Tuesday, October 15, 2013

W holistic Health Fx

Alternative Health Solutions & Natural Therapies to

Maintain Wellness, Fortify Prevention, Remedy Ill-Health

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holistic Health Fx combines the alternative health solutions of Total Health Massage Fx and Total Health Naturopathy Fx. So, what does w holistic health mean?  ”W holistic” is defined as the result of 2 or more elements when combined where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, considering all aspects of your body function, mental and emotional balance, and your spiritual relation to the world and universe around you.  So what does that mean in terms of w holistic health? When you combine various natural treatments, the use of specific health products, elements of diet, you would create a synergistic effect greater than doing these natural therapies separately.  But, can you just put together any combination of  health practices? You could, but it will work way better if they were designed to synchronize with each other.
How does W holistic Health Fx integrate its health practices?  The answer lies in understanding the basic building block of all life and matter…which is known as Energy or Life Force in the modern Western World; ancient India called this Prana, and in China it has been called Chi, both for thousands of years.  W holistic Health Fx integrates natural therapies of therapeutic massage and movement and plant-based diets and supplementation known to affect and release your Life Force.  The intention and awareness of this fact by our Therapists and Practitioners is an extra synergizing element.  Whereas many Therapists and Practitioners may combine massage and nutrition and other natural therapies, the Therapists and practitioners of Total Health Fx, with a combined 7 decades of professional and personal experience, understand this knowledge and are skilled in their health practices and client education, having served tens of thousands of clients.  W holistic Health Fx puts your Energy and your Life Force to work for you with every Total Health Massage  and Total Health Naturopathy session and as you progress within your specific dietary recommendations.  In addition, you learn  a vast array of self-help skills to do on your own to complement your custom W holistic Health Fx Program; you will learn how to create and see for yourself that a naturally healthy lifestyle is the best prevention and remedy.
Why would one choose W holistic Health Fx? As an alternative health solution to modern medicine, W holistic Health Fx offers services that are non-toxic and non-invasive and get to the root cause of ill-health and dis-ease, offering healthy benefits without any un-healthy side-effects. W holistic Health Fx gives you healthy choices recognizing your health history, customized to your current level of health, and your health goals for the future.    W holistic Health Fx is the ultimate detox cleanse program offering a cleansing diet for organs such as liver and bowels, cleansing massage specially designed for skin and lymph systems, great support for positive immune response with a health-building diet, and musculo-skeletal relief with therapeutic massage and stretching exercises.
Custom out-patient W holistic Health Fx Programs are designed to maintain wellness, fortify prevention, and remedy ill-health upon your choice of health practices and depending on your current level of healthfulness.  W holistic Health Fx is meant for people who are well now, want to remain well in the future and for those who are experiencing ill-health who want to improve their health with purely natural means.  Various length programs are available with varying levels of concentration.  You, along with your Therapist and Practitioner, choose the number and frequency of your Total Health Massage Fx and Total Health Naturopathy Fx services.  Your budget is considered at the center of this decision and all services are based on  ”multi-service” W holistic Health Fx program pricing.  All services are one-on-one, focusing close attention to your needs individually; group classes are also available. Services are available at Total Health Fx  or in the convenience and comfort of your own home, throughout Southern California.
W holistic Health Fx for Common Ailments   Any of these are a good reason to choose the W holistic Health Fx Program just right for you, your health , and your budget!
You and your Therapist and Practitioner create a Program from an array of  W holistic Health Fx Natural Treatment Modalities
For corroborating documentation about the advanced uses of w holistic health natural remedies and natural treatments, view these Documentaries about Natural Cure with Plant-Based Diets

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